Record your answer talking on these topics.

Play the recordings back to see how easy you are to understand and how you could improve. Use the checklist to assess your performance:

  • Did I cover all the points?
  • Did I elaborate the points?
  • Did I vary my vocabulary?
  • Did I organize my ideas logically?
  • Would an examiner have understood me?
  • Was my pronounciation clear?
  • Were my notes useful?
  • How long did I talk for?

Spend some time thinking about how you will make notes. Mindmaps are quick and useful for this kind of activity.

Think about the language:

  • to introduce your topic
  • to describe objects, people, events or places
  • to describe a sequence of events
  • to talk about your experiences
  • to talk about how you feel or felt about something in the past
  • to talk about personal goals