I remember the day I took a photo that still makes me smile to this day. So it was the beautiful summer day of 2023. I was on a hike with my friends in the mountains, so we had been hiking for hours and we were all tired and sweaty. But when we reached the top of the mountain, we were greeted with a breathtaking view of the valley below. So the sun was setting and I took out my phone and snapped a photo of us together. We were all laughing and smiling, and I could tell that we were happy to be together there. So this photo is about friendship and adventure, and it captures a moment of, um, happiness. And it reminds me, um, of the amazing memories I've made with my friends. And I feel proud of this photo because it perfectly shows the mood and the beauty of this moment. And it's a reminder of the importance of spending time with loved ones and exploring the world around us. So as we continued our hike, uh, we encountered many more beautiful sights, wild flowers, wildlife, and we faced the challenges and we overcame together. We took a lot of pictures. And on our way back in, these pictures are full of, uh, wonderful memories. So when we reached, uh, the end of our hike, we, um, uh, we promised to stay in touch and, uh, plan another adventure soon.

Part 3:

What can one learn from photographs taken throughout history?

Photographs taken throughout history can provide a wealth of information and insights about past events, cultures, so they can serve as a visual record of historical moments, documenting important events, people and the places.

Why do some people like to use photographs to document important things?

Many people like to use photographs to document important things because they help to preserve memories. And photographs can capture a moment in time and allow us to, uh, look back on it years later. Uh, also, photographs can help us remember people, places and events that we might, uh, forget.


I watched The Pursuit of Happiness a few years ago, on a lazy Sunday afternoon in my apartment. Uh, the movie is based on the true story of Chris Gardner, a struggling salesman who was trying to make ends meet while raising his young son. The movie is set in America in the early 80s 1980s and follows Greece as he tries to sell bone density scanners to hospitals. And the movie is about his struggles to provide for his family, his relationship with his son, and his pursuit of happiness. I chose to watch this movie because I had heard a lot of good things about it, and I was curious to see, um, what all the fuss was about. So the movie, uh, stars Will Smith, um, as Chris Gardner and, uh, his real life son Jaden Smith as Christopher. So I was a big fan of him, and I was excited to see him in a more serious role. So, uh, Will Smith's performance in this movie was truly outstanding. He was able to convey a wide range of emotions and really brought, uh, the character of Chris into life. Gardner to life. His chemistry with his son, Jaden was also really heartwarming. I felt a range of emotions from while watching the movie, from sadness to hope, and the movie made me think a lot about the importance of perseverance, hard work, and never giving up on your dreams. It also made me realize how lucky I am to have a roof over my head and food on my table. Overall, I would highly recommend this movie to anyone who is looking for an inspiring and uplifting story. It's a movie that will make you laugh, cry, and think about what's really important in life.

I know a person named Guljihan who is really good at making people feel welcome in her home. I met her at my friend's party a few years ago and we hit it off right away. So once she invited me over to her house for dinner and I was blown away by how welcoming she was. Guljihan has a way of making you, uh, feel like you are a part of her family. And she greets you at the door with a big smile and a warm hug, and makes you sure that you feel comfortable in your house. Uh, she takes the time to show around her house and tells you interesting stories from her life. She also makes sure that you have everything you need, from a drink to a comfortable place to sit in. One of the things I really appreciate about Guljihan is how she pays attention to the little details. She always has fresh flowers on the table and, um, candles burning in the living room. And all of these little things make you feel really welcome and comfortable in her home. So overall, I think that Guljihan is an amazing person who has a real gift for making people feel welcome. She has a warm and inviting personality that makes you feel like you've known her for years, and I feel lucky to have met her and to be able to call her my friend.

I remember an exciting activity that I experienced with my friend when we went, uh, snorkeling in Thailand. So we were in Cordova, which is known for its beautiful coral reefs and abundant marine life. We went snorkeling, uh, early in the morning, and we were amazed by the underwater world that we discovered. We saw schools of colorful fish, sea turtles, and it was like we were swimming in an aquarium. We also saw some amazing coral formations that looked like they were from another planet, and it was a surreal experience that we will never forget. We went, uh, snorkeling in Thailand because we wanted to explore the underwater world and see some fascinating marine life. We had heard that Thailand was one of the best places in the world for snorkeling, and we were not disappointed. Uh, after we finished snorkeling, we sat on the beach and watched the sunset, and we felt a sense of peace and contentment that we had never felt before. It was like we had discovered a hidden Paradise, that that was all our own. To sum up, snorkelling in Thailand with my friend was an exciting activity that we will never forget. It was a great way to explore the underwater world, and we felt a sense of wonder that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives.

I often go to Kirov park in the summer. It's located in the heart of the city Uralsk and it's easily accessible by public transport. I usually go there with my friends or family and the park is quite large and has a lot of greenery. There are many trees, flowers and bushes and the air is always fresh and clean. There are also several walking paths that are perfect for a leisurely stroll. One of my favorite things about this park is the large pond in the center. It's home to many ducks and geese and it's always fun to watch them swim around. There is also a small bridge that crosses the pond which is a great spot for taking photos. And another thing I love about this park is the playground. It's perfect for kids of all ages and there are plenty of swings, slides and climbing structures to keep them entertained. And I would say in overall I like visiting Kirov park because it's a great place to relax and unwind. So the beautiful scenery and the fresh air make it a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. So when my friends come to me, we always visit this park. It's our site of our city. It's a must-see of our city.

I would like to tell about Paris. Paris is the capital city of France. It's a beautiful city which is known for its stunning architecture, rich history and the vibrant culture. So, I have been to Paris with my friend and we were blown away by the fantastic atmosphere of the city. Paris is located in the north-central part of France and is known for its iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum and the Notre Dame Cathedral. The city is also home to many other gorgeous buildings including the Palace of Versailles, the Arc de Triomphe and the Sacre-Coeur Basilica. So, Paris is famous for its art, fashion and cuisine and is considered to be one of the most romantic cities in the world. I think Paris is beautiful because of its unique blend of history, culture and natural beauty and the people of Paris are friendly and welcoming. So, I would say Paris is the city that is sure to leave a lasting impression.

I would like to tell about a foreigner who speaks my native language Kazakh very well. His name is Peter and he's from France. I follow him on TikTok and he said that he had Kazakh friends while he was studying at university in France and he had been fascinated with the Kazakh language so he decided to study it intensively. According to him learning the alphabet was a piece of cake for him since French and Kazakh languages have similar sounds. However, he struggled with grammar very much so in order to fill the understanding of the language he decided to come to Kazakhstan and he started living here. He watched Kazakh TV shows, films and tried to mimic the accents and intonations of actors. He visited several villages where he practiced his spoken Kazakh as well. His dedication paid off and he was able to speak Kazakh very well. I think Peter is an excellent example of how dedication and passion can lead to a mastery of a new language. So, his love of the Kazakh language and Kazakh culture allowed him to overcome the challenges of learning a new language.

I would like to tell about an unusual meal I had a few years ago that I remember vividly. So it was a unique experience that I will never forget. I had an unusual meal six years ago when I was visiting Paris with my friend. So my friend encouraged me to try something different, especially burgundy snails. And I agreed just to get amazing pictures of the dishes to share on my social media. So we found a restaurant specializing in snails, also known as escargot. It was a Saturday night and and we went there. So the restaurant was located not far from the hotel we stayed and it was a small but popular place. The atmosphere was warm and inviting and the staff was friendly and accommodating. We ordered a plate to share. Our order came in buttery garlic sauce. I tried but unfortunately it didn't suit my taste. But my friend enjoyed snails very much. The meal was unusual because I had never experienced it before. The flavor was intense and the presentation was creative and one of a kind. We left the restaurant satisfied, feeling satisfied. Even though it didn't meet my expectations, I took amazing pictures. So it was truly amazing, memorable experience that I will keep in mind forever.

As a school girl, I liked to read and listen to historical stories, which helped me to enhance my knowledge. And now I'm going to talk about the Alash Autonomy, the Alash Party and their prominent members, which I want to know more. The Alash Party and the Alash Autonomy were founded in 1917 by Kazakh elites, and the goal of Alash Party was to obtain autonomy within Russia and to form a national democratic state. The leaders of this party contributed significantly to the growth of literacy among Kazakh people, to the development of Kazakh language, literature and the culture. So they wrestled a lot for the freedom of our nation. And finally, after more than 70 years, their dream of liberty came true. We gained independence from Soviet Union. And so I can get more knowledge about this period, about the members, about their contribution from historical books, from watching documentaries, which contain deep information about this time. And I would like to know more about our outstanding Kazakh people, because it gives me inspiration to value the freedom and opportunities that I have in my life.

The area I'm interested in is psychology. In my teenage period I went through adverse life events due to puberty and I faced challenges with coping with my problems. So in order to deal with them I started seeking information on the internet and books and that's how I exposed myself to a new world of psychology. I've read numerous materials, books, which provided me with enough answers. So I'm interested in psychology because psychology allowed me to better understand the world around me, why people behave in some certain ways, realize my mistakes and overcome stressful circumstances. As a result, I obtained greater knowledge about my personality, my behavior, which can be effective in enhancing various skills, identifying my own needs and desires. So with the advent of the internet there are plenty of fantastic sites that offer free resources to learn psychology. And you can sign up for psychological courses if you are willing to become a specialist in this sphere. And there are a wide range of books in the bookshops. So overall there are different options to choose from. Also if you cannot handle the problems you are experiencing you can hire a psychologist, a specialist, who can assist you and defeat all of your problems.